Preparing The Field For Improved Crop Yield


Field preparation is the first step at the beginning of the new crop season. Going aligned with the crop season cycle is very important while preparing the field. But there are a lot of other factors that make field preparation very important. The health of the soil is the primary factor that connects field preparation with the high crop yield. So it is clear that crop yield depends upon the quality of the soil, without any doubt. 

There are several methods to adopt while preparing for the next crop. Some ways are natural and so good for the soil, crop, and environment. But some methods are toxic as they pollute the environment and harm the soil too, and as a result, the crop yield gets affected. Keeping this in mind, farmers should use advanced land preparation implements. 

Steps Included In Field Preparation

Before the winters begin, farmers buckle up for the rabi after the Kharif has ended. Preparing land includes some steps, which are mentioned as follows: 


Ploughing is the very first step in soil preparation. This method includes turning the soil to loosen it. Sometimes organic fertilisers are added to the soil at this stage to ensure high crop yield. 


It is a process of removing any unnecessary plants, such as weeds, from the field. Unwanted plants can impact crop yield as they take a considerable portion of the nutrition that is required for a high yield. 


The level of the soil is fundamental when it comes to farming. Having levelled soil ensures high crop yield. 


Manuring is a process to boost up the organic minerals and nutrients in the soil. This process includes adding natural fertilisers to the soil, such as animal manure, plant manure, and compost.

Agri Implements For Field Preparation

Farmers have less time to prepare the soil for the next crop after harvesting the previous one. Soil preparation takes time and effort as it includes so many steps. Skipping a step means impacting soil health. However, whenever there’s a problem, there is a solution for it too. JCBL Agri Solutions provide advanced agricultural implements for soil preparation. Following are the implements that help farmers in soil preparation without so much hassle: 

Rotary Tiller (Rotavator)

JCBL Rotary Tiller or Rotavator prepares the soil in just one or two rounds in the field. It is a quick solution and helps the soil retain moisture, porosity and compaction, which results in higher crop yield. This agricultural implement alone can help farmers in ploughing as well as levelling the soil at the same time. It chops the previous crop's residue and mixes it as fertiliser into the soil, reducing the need for additional fertilisers. Such features make Rotavator an eco-friendly, cost-effective, and time-saving implement for farmers. 

Laser Land Leveller

Before forming the seedbed, it is important to level the field perfectly. Doing it manually can take time and make it hard to get the required results. JCBL Laser Land Leveller comes into the picture here. A laser beam is used in this implement to make the land levelled. No more time is consumed while using this implement, and also no need for more labourers to get the work done. 

MB Plough

JCBL MB, or Mould Board Plough, is an agriculture implement that is budget friendly and works upon the principle of soil inversion. It turns the soil and brings the lower soil to the top. This process not only brings out the nutrients and minerals at the top but also exposes the soil to sunlight, making it free from harmful bacteria. 


Crop yield very much depends upon the health of the soil, and the method of preparation can make the soil healthy. Choosing agricultural implements over manual preparation is preferred because they serve all purposes from saving time and money to making the soil healthy. Healthy soil leads to higher crop yield and saves time and money, resulting in profitability for the farmers. 


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